For use on clothing, tents, sleeping bags, and other outdoor gear, Sawyer Permethrin repels or kills disease-spreading ticks (Lyme disease), mosquitoes (West Nile and Zika viruses) and more than 55 other kinds of insects. Perfect for camping, backpacking, hunting, travel, backyard BBQs, picnics, and more. Permethrin insect and tick repellent adds an odorless layer of protection to shirts, jackets, pants, socks, shoes, sleeping bags, tents, netting, and other outdoor, camping, hunting, and travel gear. A University of Rhode Island study (2017) found that people wearing Permethrin-treated shoes and socks were 73.6 times less likely to have a tick bite than those wearing untreated footwear. Using it on outdoor gear also helps reduce the mosquito population in your camp and prevents ticks from attaching to you. |
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